Theodore M. Medlyn, Esq., known as "Teddy," hails from rural Northern California, where he cultivated an early interest in public service and the legal profession. During high school, he gained valuable experience interning with District Attorney Cliff Newel and Congressman Tom McClintock. Teddy earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Nevada, Reno, and moved to Las Vegas in 2012 to pursue his law degree. After graduating in 2016, Mr. Medlyn initially worked in insurance defense but soon discovered his true passion for family law, focusing on assisting children and families.
Licensed in 2019, Teddy has exclusively practiced family law, establishing a reputation for his expertise in mediation and conflict resolution. He is known for his ability to guide clients through negotiations and, when necessary, his strong advocacy in trials. Mr. Medlyn currently serves as a Family Law Attorney with The Jacks Law Group, where he leads a team of dedicated professionals. He values close client relationships, stating, "I like having clients with my personal cell phone. You forget what you're fighting for when there's too much distance and red tape."
In addition to his legal career, Theodore M. Medlyn, Esq. has spent several years as a substitute and licensed teacher with the Clark County School District, specializing in early primary education from Kindergarten through 2nd Grade. His passion for working with children is a significant asset in his family law practice and his role as a stepfather of three.
Outside of his professional endeavors, Teddy is a former operatically trained singer and actor. He enjoys participating in local karaoke shows and running Dungeons & Dragons games in his free time.